Saturday, May 16, 2009

Happy 21st Birthday....


So, Cam was having trouble dealing with his 24th birthday thinking that being 24 is old! What will he think when he turns 30?!?!? He was so upset that he was parading around saying that he couldn't wait for his 21st birthday.
His birthday turned out to be a success. I sent him this Candy Bouquet (great idea for a guy's gift by the way) to his work and started planning out a surprise birthday date that was requested by the birthday boy.
Cameron can be sort of a picky eater (maybe not as picky as me) and I didn't trust myself to pick a place to eat. I made Cam pick that part of the date and we ended up at Ruby River Steakhouse. The food was great! Next came the surprise....Nikelcade!!! Cameron is always trying to get me to spontaneously go to Nikelcade and I thought his birthday was a good day to give in. Surprisingly to was kind of fun! The highlight of the night was picking out our prizes from all the tickets we won. We won 375 tickets and spent it on bouncy putty, water snake thing (in Cam's hands in above photo), and fake mustaches...yes mustaches. All together it was a great night!

We tried to get a family photo, but Cooper didn't want to cooperate. We thought this one was pretty funny though and had to share it with you!

Hope you had a great Birthday, Cam!!! Love ya!


The Boatwrights said...

Aw happy belated bday to Cam! We like going to Nickelcade too! haha its a cheap way to have fun and be a kid again :)

Lacey said...

That picture of you 2 and the dog is way too funny!!! ha ha Happy Birthday Cameron!

Amy said...

HA HA HA sounds like a fun birthday ! I LOVE the moustaches!!